Here are the answers to all of your questions about the new formula ACE Diet Pills:
SABA Experts released a new video today with Clark Bartram, SABA’s Face Guy, and Joe Pavlik, the creator of the product (as summarized by Cathy Broadrick from video posted 10/11/2013)
What makes the new formula ACE so good?
It is the most revolutionary, all-encompassing diet product ever developed. It is the first formula to actually address all of the key factors necessary for safe, healthy weight-loss, with good energy, permanent body fat reduction and also cellular protection via specific botanicals and antioxidants that actually keep you healthy while you are losing weight. Additionally, you get improved mood and improve your sex life and libido. Many products contain harsh stimulants that make you feel edgy. This new ACE formula goes to work quick and you feel good.
Goes to work quick – Define that please.
Feedback from the test group and first users is about 80% positive, but 20% are saying I don’t feel it. The answer is: Temper your expectation. Don’t expect the scale to drop in two days. Be on it long enough to make a fair assessment. What is a fair time for anyone to make a expectation of this product? 30 days – Let’s explain why.
It takes your body 10 to 14 days to start the adaptation process to a new program. At first, your body is just getting into the groove. It is saturating your tissues, it is activating various processes in the body, getting to get in your system, increasing fat burning hormones and increasing specific feel good chemicals in your brain. You are not going to see full benefits until 30 days in. Some are going to feel it within the first few days, but most are going to take some time. The 20% that are just not feeling it may have been on products for an extended period of time and may need detox protocol.
What detox protocol and what is a good break time between the products?
Detox is a break time between products. Give your body a 2 to 3 weeks break from these stimulants. With clean receptors, the body is fresh and you can give new ACE a thorough, fair evaluation. Your system is polluted and you have to put it in a clean environment if you expect to have long-term success.
If you can’t do that, i.e. you need this stuff to function, take the new ACE two days on/two days off or you take it during the week and skip the weekends. You just have to take a break even if you don’t have the discipline to stay off for the two weeks.
How do you know if you are detoxed?
When you can function on an even level throughout the day – homeostasis. You will not feel like napping. When the peaks and valleys are gone, then you can get started on another protocol.
How do I get ACE?
Order from an independent SABA Distributor. ORDER HERE!
How safe is ACE?
It is very SAFE. The other people in the business of the health industry are not willing to accept our success. The basis for this discussion – This PRODUCT IS SAFE. The message boards are pollution for your brain. Don’t read it and worry with it. Surround yourself with individuals who are really out to benefit humanity. Don’t listen to the hatred generated by jealousy. There is always going to be others out there shooting you down.
You need to understand the ACE is so advanced now from other products on the market that are no more than a high dose of caffeine and a stimulant product. People associate that good buzz with a good product and that is not the case.
New ACE formula is going to give you the energy but not the harsh stimulation of other products. Improvement in metabolism and mood with the intent that it can be used long-term safely. This product is in a league of its own. It is the most comprehensive product you will find according to those with the education and background to judge that. Block out the negativity and focus on your improvement.
More of your questions about New ACE are answered in the Q&A tab.
Great interview with Joe Pavlik:
How much caffeine is new formula ACE Diet Pills?
100 milligrams (average cup of coffee). Many products have 200-300 and putting that much caffeine is not good for your body. Natural caffeine from Gorana (natural herb) and pure-pharmaceutic grade caffeine. That is good because it is standardized so the potency should not vary.
How many ACE should you take during the day?
Most people should take one in the morning and one in the afternoon (2 per day). If you are used to the caffeine from long-term use, you can take two in the morning and two in the evening (4 per day).
Can you use it with Leva?
Yes, it was designed to use with other products.
What if people take too much?
We are not trying to create sick people, we are trying to create healthy people. Everyone can make their choices, but we are here to tell people what we feel is best for their over-all health and safety.
Why are we pooping more?
More pooping with new product is from the ingredient called Konjac Root – an all natural fiber. It has an internal cleansing effect on the intestines. Fiber also stabilizes blood sugar levels. It is a good thing to eliminate waste. Some people have 5 to 7 pounds of plac and fecal matter expelled. It makes your body work more efficiently to have daily bowel movements.
How does it increase libido?
PEA is active ingredient in chocolate. It makes you feel good and increasing libido. PEA and other ingredients in ACE have a calming effect that leads to relaxation and therefore, increased libido.
The new formula ACE Diet Pills are now a life-style weight-loss formula. You won’t be edgy and uptight and will get more enjoyment from life.
Do I have to order an entire bottle and sign up for a auto-ship?
No, you can order any amount of the new ACE here and just reorder when you need your next supply:
Can I still get the original ACE formula?
Yes, your can order that here too.
The post What makes the new formula ACE Diet Pills so good? Video explanation appeared first on How to Lose Weight Fast with Diet Pills.